Oh LORD, You're So Great

It just amazes me how God answers prayers in ways we never expect. We almost tend to lower our expectations because we don't think God can handle what we actually want. But He always comes through, in His timing of course.
So, a few weeks ago I went through my ordination board, which is a pretty big deal. Twelve pastors/elders/scholars that went through my twenty page ordination paper with a fine tooth comb and pretty much grilled me on my theology. Anyway, I received this card and little Bible from two wonderful people that have just been a joy in my life from 9th grade to present. This is what the card said,

"I'm returning your little Bible to you. The last time you were at our house before you went overseas to serve our country, you handed me this Bible and told me you 'wouldn't be needing this.' I carried it in my purse as a prayer prompt. I was not sure if you meant you had another Bible? You did not need the Lord, you did not have faith - I just prayed & I also submitted your name in George Bush's, 'Pray for Our Troops...We are so proud of you Ian! What a journey the Lord has taken you on - what a faithful God we serve - a step of faith and obedience. May the Lord really bless you and the ministry He has called you in to."

Awesome. Not only did God save me from my sin, but called me to something much greater than myself - into His service.


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