
Showing posts from 2012

Christmas is Just the Beginning

Welcome To Our World, Chris Rice 11th Century Byzantine art from the Daphni Monestary, Greece Tears are falling, hearts are breaking   How we need to hear from God   You've been promised, we've been waiting Welcome Holy Child Welcome Holy Child Hope that you don't mind our manger   How I wish we would have known   But long-awaited Holy Stranger Make Yourself at home Please make Yourself at home Bring Your peace into our violence Bid our hungry souls be filled Word now breaking Heaven's silence Welcome to our world Welcome to our world Fragile finger sent to heal us Tender brow prepared for thorn Tiny heart whose blood will save us Unto us is born Unto us is born So wrap our injured flesh around You Breathe our air and walk our sod Rob our sin and make us holy Perfect Son of God Perfect Son of God Welcome to our world   Listen to the song -------------------------------------------------------------

Talking to Your Children After a Tragedy

Father God, I pray peace emerges from the chaos that has engulfed the community of Newton, CT.  I pray you send your angels to comfort and minister to all who are involved and hurting. I pray your counsel will aid those in the process of grieving and allow healing to emerge.  In Jesus name I pray, Amen. During this tragic time I would like to offer some counsel on how to talk to children about traumatic events.  I want to be succinct and simple. ·       First and foremost, we must love them like there’s no tomorrow.   Physical touch like hugs and snuggles brings comfort and security to a now uncertain world.   ·       In this uncertainty, try to maintain a routine as best as possible.   This also brings a sense of safety and familiarity, which will help them cope better.   ·       Listen to your child, what are they saying, what are they not saying? It may be difficult for them to express what they are feeling, so gently ask questions to facilitate conversat

Thanksgiving is Here!

Norman Rockwell “Oh give thanks to the LORD; call upon his name; make known his deeds among the peoples!”  – Psalm 105:1 Thanksgiving to many is centered upon family and friends gathering to enjoy each other’s company, stuff themselves with hearty food, and fall into a lazy day of naps and football.  This of course is not bad, for I greatly enjoy all of these things.  I remember going to my Aunt Deb’s in Wisconsin to feast, shoot hoops outside, or hit up the local skating rink.  The spread was impeccable with every morsel you could think of ready to be consumed.  There was of course the grown-up table and the kid’s table, the latter of course being more rambunctious and fun.  Looking back, I can see that it was all about relationship.  It is both wholesome and beneficial to commune and laugh together, just as Jesus did so many times with all he loved.  Like him, let us remember to whom thanks should be given, God, our wonderful creator! In this hymn the people

The Election Post

Along with the message of Billy Graham, I would also like to point out the fact that no matter who wins the election, we are to support them.  How you say?  We are to support our elected officials, as Paul says in 1 Timothy 2:1, through, “supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings…,” for who again?  “For all people, for kings and all who are in high positions.”  This is critical because even though our elected officials may not be Christian, civil government is a necessary good that helps with maintaining order and providing essential services.  We are to pray for them, in hopes that their hearts will turn to God’s will, so that, “...we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way.”   Many thought Jesus, as the messiah, had come to overthrow the Roman government and restore the nation of Israel to its past glory, but no, not in the way that they had thought.  

The Standard of Beauty

“God does not give us a standard of beauty, He gives us a spouse.” - Mark Driscoll  I absolutely love this quote.  Our standard of beauty lies within our significant other, that is, we should only have eyes for the one we gave our word and bond to.  I’ve thought about this and it makes absolute sense.  Are there “beautiful” people out there that catch our eye, well yes, of course there are, but beauty is deeper than mere appearances.  In Scripture God tells Samuel, "Do not consider his appearance or his height, for I have rejected him.  The LORD does not look at the things man looks at.  Man looks at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart.” [1]  The heart is where true beauty resides.  It is from here where our identity manifests itself, whether that may be good or bad. Are we selfish, conceited, mean? Or do we sincerely want to help others? And what do those “pretty” people that catch your eye really know about you anyway?  My be