The Standard of Beauty

“God does not give us a standard of beauty, He gives us a spouse.” - Mark Driscoll

 I absolutely love this quote.  Our standard of beauty lies within our significant other, that is, we should only have eyes for the one we gave our word and bond to.  I’ve thought about this and it makes absolute sense.  Are there “beautiful” people out there that catch our eye, well yes, of course there are, but beauty is deeper than mere appearances.  In Scripture God tells Samuel, "Do not consider his appearance or his height, for I have rejected him.  The LORD does not look at the things man looks at.  Man looks at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart.”[1] The heart is where true beauty resides.  It is from here where our identity manifests itself, whether that may be good or bad. Are we selfish, conceited, mean? Or do we sincerely want to help others? And what do those “pretty” people that catch your eye really know about you anyway? 

My beauty of 2 years
Beauty within marriage is not only the physical and externals of the relationship, but also what is produced through emotional devotion.  It’s those shared experiences, vulnerabilities, the gut-wrenching laughter, and quiet moments together that create a deep lasting beauty that far exceeds any physical attraction.  Because you know what, physical beauty is short-lived.  All will slowly deteriorate, droopy boobs, sagging eyes, big ears and nose, hair coming out of every orifice, it’s not pretty, but you know what is, growing together and holding each other up in those moments of doubt and stress, being there for one another to share life’s wonders.  “Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised.”[2] To fear the Lord is to know his power, majesty, holiness, and mystery. One cannot be self-absorbed when they truly fear God, for they know Him as both savior and judge.  The bottom line, stick with it, you’re not alone, your spouse has your back, and if not, God is ALWAYS there to bring about peace and that inner beauty that is the true mark of a godly spirit and life.

[1] 1 Samuel 16:7
[2] Proverbs 31:30


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