The World is Spiraling into Chaos!

Everywhere things are troubling and uneasy - wars and rumours of war: perhaps not the final hour but certainly times most evil. Nevertheless, the Apostle again and again bids us "Rejoice." Nature herself bids us to do so, the very face of the earth being now renewed, after its own manner, at the start of Spring. I believe the men of this age (and among them you Father, and myself) think too much about the state of nations and the situation of the world. . . .We are not kings, we are not senators. Let us beware lest, while we torture ourselves in vain about the state of Europe, we neglect either Verona or Oxford. In the poor man who knocks at my door, in my ailing mother, in the young man who seeks my advice, the Lord Himself is present: therefore let us wash His feet. – C.S. Lewis

The world is continuing to spin into chaos, which is fine because God is sovereign. Take what’s in front of you and do your best with it. It’s the small things in life that make the greatest impact on our individual lives and those of others. Help a buddy finish a project, hold that door for that elderly couple, offer to pay for coffee for the person behind you. Not only will it help the person and make their day, but you too will well up with joy.


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