
Showing posts from April, 2015

LORD, Guide Me

Father, I want nothing more than to do your will, your work, but is it vanity? Do I secretly want others to look at me and say, "Wow, what a knowledgable fellow, he is so godly." Father I pray you keep me humble, that through your Word I remain low. I am scared to fail, to say the wrong thing or to stumble, even though I know it is not the eloquence of my speech, but the power of Your Word that rips at the hearts of others. Continue to build me up in Christ through the wisdom of those before me, of those that walk with You daily, and through Your Word. Keep me from the temptations of this world, not only sensuality, but the mind-numbing misinformation of the media. I want to know you deeply, intimately, wholly. Move me off my couch and into Your world, to seek out those that are in dire need of You. Holy and gracious Father, use me, a repentant sinner, to do what You have laid upon my heart and to step forth in boldness. In Jesus name I pray. Amen.


“Unless we regain the art of silence and insight, the ability for non-activity, unless we substitute true leisure for our hectic amusements, we will destroy our culture – and ourselves.” – Josef Pieper, Indeed. We in fact become idolaters when we immerse ourselves in work as an end in itself, when in reality it is simply a means to sustaining our lives, lives that are meant for more. We are to glorify God and edify others. These are the chief concerns of life. Leisure is the ability to let go of oneself and to engage the world and others in a deep and meaningful way. With that, take some time to reevaluate your life. Are you wasting away working for works sake? Take a walk outside and just be still, that is, listen to the world around you. Engage a thought-provoking book and just contemplate its message or find a friend and just talk about life. Take care and God bless.