Missing You

It’s tough being away from loved ones physically, from family, friends, and even coworkers. Sometimes we don’t even need to be physically away, but are emotionally distant because of both internal and external stressors. Full disclosure here, I’ve been away from my wife for a good two months now with one month left to go. And you know what, it’s really hard! You may be in a long distance relationship, away for travel, training, or just feeling down because you miss home. I feel you, I really do.

Remember though that there is always purpose behind the difficulties of life. We may not realize it when in the thick of the moment, but there is purpose. Use the time you have to work on communicating with that distant loved one. That’s exactly what Jesus did. God so loved the world that He gave his Son. And you know what Jesus did while here? That’s right, he prayed and talked with his Father, the Father. Use the time you have to build a deeper and more meaningful relationship with whomever you’re missing through words. Words are powerful, build each other up, engage that profound conversation, there needs to be depth for growth to occur. Don’t compound the grief and anxiety by shutting others out; surround yourself with God’s plan “A,” other people! You heard me, we are God’s plan “A,” we are to reach out to the world to spread the Good News, but first, lets reach out to those that make our lives and dreams possible. In the words of Fred Rogers during his lifetime achievement award acceptance speech, “All of us have special ones who have loved us into being. Would you just take, along with me, 10 seconds to think of the people who have helped you become who you are, those who have cared about you and wanted what was best for you in life.” Take the time to talk to them, through prayer for those who have passed and other means for those still here. Write letters, send postcards, be intentional and love on each other. And most of all, communicate with the one whom gives you strength, our Father. For in the end, that is where home truly is, in the presence of God, in relationship with Him. Let’s pray.

Heavenly Father, I thank You for the capacity to communicate, to show love, concern, and comfort through words. It was through the Word that You created all and through the Word incarnate that we are saved. I pray You guide Your children that are struggling with being away from loved ones, that You care for them through the nurturing compassion of others and draw them closer to Your presence and grace. In Jesus Name I pray. Amen.


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