
Showing posts from May, 2014

I'm Tired

I’m tired. There has to be more to life than sleep, waking, going to work, eating, laughing at coworkers jokes that aren’t even funny because it takes more energy to answer why I feel lethargic than to give a little chuckle. What’s going on? Is this the abundant life that Jesus promised (John 10:10)? Why does everyday feel like getting teeth pulled? Where is the joy? Where is the kingdom life? Do you ever get the feeling that maybe you were made for something greater? Every now and then you have those moments, I know you do, of clarity where everything is, well, clear. When your perspective on life and everything around you for a moment takes on deep and glorious meaning. It’s like Bradley Cooper’s character in Limitless when he takes a pill that allows his brain to work at full capacity and everything just aligns perfectly. Those moments for me are what keep me going, keep me striving. It’s no pill though, but God’s hand upon my life, showing me in a small window glimpse what I