
Showing posts from February, 2014

Righteous Weeping

You ever have that knot well up in the back of your throat because you’re trying to hold back tears? And along with that knot your nose starts running and dripping because your tear ducts are connected to your nasal passage? That’s me pretty much EVERY SINGLE DAY! Yeah, I know, I’m a 13-year Army Veteran with a background in law enforcement and am suppose to be this tough and stoic guy, or wait, am I? Jacob kisses Rachel and weeps At least that’s what society tells us a man is suppose to be; strong, courageous, brave, and a stone-cold killa…ok, maybe not the last one, but you get where I’m going. Why is this? Is it biblical? I say wholeheartedly, NO! I think I’m in pretty good company when it comes to righteous weeping as I call it. Looking at the big players in the bible we find Jacob, who would later be named Israel and would father the men who would grow and make up the 12 tribes. In verse 11 of Genesis 29 it states, “Then Jacob kissed Rachel and wept aloud.” One word, awes