Humble Children

This is too good to pass up. So my wife went back home to see our two nephews and one niece. Our niece, and God Daughter, is only 4 months, so she is still just a tiny thing.  Anyway, my wife gets back form the trip and receives a text from our sister-in-law.  Apparently the oldest, who is five, asked his mom when my wife and I were going to have a baby. She replied that she didn’t know because there wasn’t one in auntie’s tummy yet.  And here is the best line, his reply was, “Oh yeah, because God’s still making it!”

There it is, child-like faith at its greatest and most innocent. Its statements like these that make me understand what Jesus was getting at when in Matthew 18 he says that, “Whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.” When Jesus said these things the disciples were bickering over who would be the greatest. It is the child, who humbles or understands his or her place in the grand scheme of things that will inherit God’s kingdom. Children rely on others to do everything for them, from receiving food and other sustenance to the clothes on their backs.  Do kids work for this care? No, they are so loved that they are given these things just as it is with our Wonderful Creator. He does not demand we work for what is needed, only that we seek and thank him through worship. It is with this faith, in knowing that others will provide, that we are to seek and trust God.

Later in Matthew 19:13-15 the disciples admonish parents for allowing their kids to approach Jesus, since he’s such a busy and important man. Jesus again scolded the disciples and said, “Let the children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven.” Children inherently know that there is a God, that there is someone bigger than them that protects and loves them. It is in this kind of humble faith that we are to approach God’s throne. I believe every child knows God and its not until later in life that one has to be taught Atheism. The snares of this world distort the innocence that permeates every little soul out there. May we love and seek like a child God’s Kingdom forevermore.


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