
Showing posts from March, 2013

Busyness is Ruining Us

Busyness, that stuff in my life that takes away from what I want to be doing, from what I should be doing, from the relationships I need to be nurturing and deepening to survive.  It’s that email or text I get at home that I just have to check on because I’m of course the only person that can fix the problem or answer the question.  It’s the saying yes to everything that comes my way, from ministry opportunities and extra assignments at work to filling up every evening or weekend with dinner dates and activities.  None of these things are intrinsically bad, but when they take away from the priorities in life, they can be detrimental not only to you, but to those around you.  Some say we, “…equate busyness with worth. A means of gaining recognition and being affirmed as a person, busyness also has nourished weeds that, in our adult years, now threaten to choke our ministries, marriages, and family life.” [1] Is this true, are we taking on the world, so that we don’t h