Trust Him, It's for Your Own Good

“My Thoughts are completely different than yours,” says the LORD. “And my ways are far beyond anything you could imagine. For just as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts higher than your thoughts.” – Isaiah 55:8-9

“I’ve got this.” A statement I often catch myself uttering both audibly and under my breath. And why not, I’ve made it this far on my own already.  I moved from MN to the big NYC when I was 19, served a year in Iraq, and have continued to thrive since, right?  Well, not exactly, I did not have a relationship with Jesus then, so when I got back from Iraq, these were my thoughts…

“Contemplation, my only solace to the lonesome crippling world I live in.  I must now adapt to the things around me.  Everything has changed so drastically from the comfortable life I once knew, a simple life of waking, school, and friends.  No longer am I a spectator watching the worlds events unfold on the mindless screen we all know and venerate.  I am now at the forefront of this epoch war awaiting my duty… It is so terribly hard to continue such a robotic methodical life I’m forced to live in this monetary driven society…I came home to a new world and dove in with such precision and pride…but now my darker days have caught up with me.  The euphoria of seeing my life of old has long since subsided.  Everything around me is so insignificant.  Will this feeling ever die or will I be forced to cope?”

When I gave my life to Christ, a wellspring of new life filled my soul, but even then once the euphoria subsided, I got frustrated in my circumstances, my unanswered prayers, my problems.  Where does this frustration and impatience come from, unbelief.  Ultimately we say, “God, I trust you, but I think I know a little bit more about (fill in with any area of your life) than you.”  What, are you kidding!? We are finite and limited in our knowledge and understanding of many many things.  We can NEVER fully understand the ways of God, as the verse states, it is “far beyond anything [we] could imagine.” We are stuck in this annoying little thing called time.  God however, transcends time and therefore sees and knows all.  He knows where we have been and where we are going and in this, knows the best way to get there.  What must we do then? We must simply repent and put our faith in Christ Jesus our Lord.  Proverbs 16:18 tell us, “Pride goes before destruction, and a haughty spirit before the fall.”  Repent and give that portion of our life that we refuse to release back to the one whom created us.

What area of your life needs to be released to God?  Where do you need to trust Him the most, relying on his knowledge instead of yours?


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