
Showing posts from September, 2012

What Must I Do?

“Christianity has not been tried and found wanting; it has been found difficult and not tried.” – G.K. Chesterton Just think about that for a second, let it sink in…Christianity, that is, a relationship with God the Father, made possible through the sacrifice Jesus made on the cross for our transgressions has not been an empty and unfulfilling pursuit; rather, people find it too difficult and therefore refuse to even give it a chance.  Difficult, really!?  Lucifer is Cast Out of Heaven by Gustave DorĂ© Difficult only because we are so depraved and wicked that we refuse to let in any cleansing light.  Why, because it takes the courage and sight to do what society today sees as weak and demeaning, to get down on our knees and repent.  “Our pride and self-esteem are at stake here,” is what we tell ourselves.  Truth is though; pride is simply a mask hiding the fact that we are not in control, oh how we wish we were though.  To be able to make everything in our lives

Ah Weddings, So Much Fun!

Sorry it has been so long since my last post, but I have my reasons. The biggest reason is that my beautiful wife Elizabeth and myself flew out to Colorado where I officiated a wedding for a couple that attend the church we all go to.  It was quite the experience... I had been doing premarital counseling with the couple for about 10 weeks and during the last session I read through the message I was going to orate, so that they could actually hear what I would say and internalize it without the pressure of being on the altar, tears streaming, and hundreds of people staring. I also went through the rest of the ceremony so it wouldn't be a total surprise.  Well, being the perfectionist that I am I tend to write out the prayers beforehand too.  The bride however, being the prayer warrior she is, mentioned that it would be ok to also just "let the Spirit lead" me.  This comment was specifically directed at the laying of hands portion.  What!?  Go off script and wing it,