Pray, Do Not Be Anxious

Do not be anxious, rather pray. Jesus made it possible for us to do so. There was a giant chasm between God and us because of sin. He is so holy, that sin cannot be in his presence, but Jesus has covered this sin, this stain, making us able to once again have communion with God. Jesus is our mediator, our advocate. When preparing this post and looking at what prayer is, it reminded me of a book I read called, The Necessity of Prayer by Edward Bounds. His largest section and most influential was his work on prayer and faith. As it should be, faith is the Christian anchor in prayer and touches every other aspect of our life. Faith is obedient, trusting, and every other positive aspect. Not only influential but also instructive in his writing, Bounds shows how Christians should pray by stating that, “faith must be definite, specific; an unqualified unmistakable request for the things asked for.” [1] How true...