
Showing posts from February, 2015

What's Your Tower of Babel?

Introduction Who do you serve? Seriously think about it, what do you think about when you get up in the morning? Is it how to make a quick buck, so you can feel financially secure, or to get dressed up in order to impress others? Do you ever wake up and dwell on how awesome God is, how majestic, beautiful, and holy He is? Or is He primarily a means to an end, a kind of wish fulfiller that is at our beck and call? What kind of God do you serve, or does He simply serve you? Many of us grew up hearing the story of the Tower of Babel. Of how God came down and scattered humanity by confusing their once unified language. But what is the lesson within this historical narrative? What can we glean from this short passage? Original Meaning Before extracting what the passage means to us today, let me first unpack some of the historical-cultural meaning to shed some light on what was going on here. This episode in history occurred after the cataclysmic flood that destroyed every living thing