
Showing posts from September, 2014


While reading My Utmost for His Highest the other day something caught my eye and ear. We often hear at the end of services or after giving a testimony, “Have you made a decision for Jesus Christ?” and then of course there is an invitation to accept Jesus and everyone is happy, possibly tears, and the like. This isn’t a bad thing; I just think the wording needs to be changed, so that the seriousness of the occasion can emerge and bear greater weight. It all sounds so sanctified and holy, but is that what He wants? Are we to simply make a decision? It sounds mundane, like its just another box checked, “Oh hey I just made a decision for Christ, check.” Umm, no. When we come to the Holy, real, and loving Christ who was brutally scourged and humiliatingly hung on the cross, so that we could live an abundantly richer life here and now and forever its not a “decision” we make, it’s a yielding of self. It gets to the point that we can no longer live under the pressure of the world without