Foundations of Marriage Part 1

In today’s society liberal secular thought is seeping into even the most Christian homes and watering down the beliefs of many. Not until recently has the debate of same-sex marriage gotten so heated and tense. Many young adults, including many Christians, see marriage as a dying institution and opt to cohabitate with significant others instead of committing to a lifelong, monogamous relationship. Our instant gratification lifestyle has deadened our senses so that we continually want more, faster, with no real end in sight. As Scott Stanley of the University of Denver’s Center for Marital and Family Studies writes, “The dominant culture no longer has as broad of support for marital longevity, and Christians’ behavior often mirrors that of the dominant culture.” [1] So is marriage under attack from outside secular forces? Yes, would be the easy answer, but in truth the Christian is also to blame for trust in God is severely lacking. This is why tha...